The Wrong Way to Use Your Phone When Studying:When it is time to sit down and do your homework, your phone is not your friend. If your phone is sitting beside you while you study, it will be a constant distraction. Whether it is the temptation to play just one more level of Zombie Candy Birds or to reply to the text that your friend just sent, acknowledge that you are human, that you are weak and that you will not be able to resist. Every time you fail to resist temptation, you get distracted from your homework, and every time this happens, it takes you that much longer to get things done and makes you more likely to forget what you are trying to learn.
Think that you are awesome at multitasking, so your phone is not a distraction? THINK AGAIN! Our brains are incapable of multitasking. We can only focus on one task at a time. When we perform several tasks at once, we perform all of them more poorly than if we were to focus on one at a time. Studies show that those who study while surrounded by distractions, like phones or loud music, have difficulty accurately recalling what they learned the next day. Limit distractions by:
The Right Way to Use Your Phone When Studying:
There's An App For That!OneNote: From to do lists, to course notes, to research and reading assignments, you can keep it all in one place with OneNote.
myHomework: This app is like an agenda for your phone Trello: This app and website can help you make to do lists that can incorporate colour coding, due dates and more. Evernote: Use it like an agenda. Also handy to gather information for projects and assignments. GoodNotes: This digital notebook software works great on a tablet. Remember the Milk: It can be linked to your Google Calendar, Evernote, Outlook account and more. Use it to make to do lists and schedule reminders. Interval Minder: If your mind tends to wander when you study, use this app to remind you to refocus. Interval Timer: While most people use this app for the gym, you can use it to set up timers for study periods and study breaks. 30/30 Task Manager: Make a to do list and set a length of time for each of them. Start the timer, and it will tell you when to move on to the next task. Works as an interval timer too. Smiling Mind: A great app to help you get started with mindfulness. |
Using Your Phone to Get Organized
Your phone can be a useful device when it comes to improving your marks, but only if you use it correctly.