What Does the BC Proficiency Scale Mean?
You may have seen this image of the BC Proficiency Scale or something similar floating around:
The challenge for many families is figuring out what these brief descriptions mean, especially because they differ by only a single word. Here is a clearer breakdown that may help you develop a more complete understanding of what your child's proficiency level means on their report card:
The student's achievement falls well below the provincial standards for the course. |
The student's achievement approaches the provincial standards for the course. |
The student's achievement meets the provincial standards for the course. |
The student's achievement surpasses the provincial standards for the course, but this does not necessarily mean that the student has exceeded course or grade-level expectations. |
A student receiving an EMERGING partway through the course should reflect on their progress and identify any strategies they are using that are not working well for them. They should seek suggestions for new strategies to try that may be more effective. They should regularly seek extra support to address any misunderstandings or confusion they may be experiencing. |
A student receiving a DEVELOPING partway through the course should reflect on their progress and identify the effective and ineffective strategies they are using and adjust accordingly. They should review feedback to identify their learning gaps and take steps to address them, such as asking more questions during class or seeking extra support with learning tasks in these areas. |
A student receiving a PROFICIENT partway through the course should review feedback and seek opportunities to refine their skills and deepen their understandings such as completing a retake of an assessment or taking on a more challenging task. |
A student receiving an EXTENDING partway through the course should seek opportunities for enrichment and take on more challenging tasks to push their learning further. |
A student receiving an EMERGING at the end of the course will need to take steps to address their significant learning gaps to ensure success in future courses in this subject area. They should consider taking the remedial course in summer school or a preview course that will help prepare them for future subject area courses. |
A student who receives a DEVELOPING at the end of the course must work to address identified learning gaps to ensure success in future subject area courses. They should consider taking a preview course to help them prepare for future subject area courses. |
A student who receives an APPLYING at the end of the course is prepared for future learning in this subject area courses. |
A student receiving an EXTENDING at the end of the course is well-prepared for future learning in this subject area. |